Third party modules
The following is a list of available 3rd party modules for UnrealIRCd. Note that these modules are NOT written by the UnrealIRCd team. Use them at your own risk.
These modules can be installed on UnrealIRCd with the command:
./unrealircd module install third/name-of-moduleSee the Module manager documentation for more information.
If you wish to discuss 3rd party modules, then leave a message on the 3rd party modules forum.
If you have written an UnrealIRCd module and want to submit it for inclusion here, then read how to submit your module.
Module list
Name | Version | Author | Description |
third/account-registration | 0.1 | Valware | Account registration functionality (IRCv3) |
third/allsend | 1.00 | Valware | Adds the /allsend command which allows privileged server operators to send targetted messages |
third/anti_amsg | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Drop messages originating from /amsg |
third/anticaps | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Block/lowercase messages that contain a configurable amount of capital letters |
third/auditorium | 2.1.1 | Gottem | Channel mode +u to show channel events/messages to/from people with +o/+a/+q only |
third/autojoin_byport | 2.1.1 | Gottem | Auto-join channels on connect based on connection port |
third/autovhost | 2.1.3 | Gottem | Apply vhosts at connect time based on users' raw nick formats or IPs |
third/bancheck_access | 2.1.3 | Gottem | Prevents people who have +o or higher from getting banned, unless done by people with +a/+q or opers |
third/banfix_voice | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Correct some odd behaviour in regards to banned-but-voiced users |
third/block_masshighlight | 2.2.1 | Gottem / k4be | Prevent mass highlights network-wide |
third/block_no_tls | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Allows privileged opers to temporarily block new, non-TLS (SSL) user connections |
third/block_notlsident | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Restrict certain idents to SSL/TLS connections only |
third/chgswhois | 1.0 | Valware | Provides command /CHGSWHOIS and /DELSWHOIS for priviledged IRCops to change a users "special whois" line. |
third/clearlist | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Adds CLEARLIST command to clear out banlists in bulk |
third/clones | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Adds a command /CLONES to list all users having the same IP address matching the given options |
third/cmdslist | 1.0 | Valware | Request and subscribe to commands |
third/commandsno | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Lets IRC operators see command usages |
third/debug | 2.1.1 | Gottem | Allows privileged opers to easily view internal (configuration) data |
third/denyban | 2.1.4 | Gottem | Deny specific ban masks network-wide |
third/dictionary | 1.0 | Valware | Lets you and your visitors look up the definition of a word (English) |
third/display-name | 1.0 | Valware | +draft/display-name (IRCv3) |
third/dumpcmds | 1.0 | Syzop | Dump IRC commands to a file |
third/elmer | 2.2 | Valware | Make people talk like Elmer |
third/extwarn | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Enables additional configuration error checking |
third/fantasy | 2.1.1 | Gottem | Implements custom fantasy channel !cmds |
third/filehost | 1.0 | Valware | IRCv3 draft/FILEHOST - Provides users with an ISUPPORT token with a URL to your file upload service |
third/findchmodes | 6.0 | k4be | Find channels by channel modes |
third/fixhop | 2.3.3 | Gottem | The +h access mode seems to be a little borked/limited, this module implements some tweaks for it |
third/gecos_replace | 1.1.1 | Gottem | Enables replacing text in the gecos field on-connect |
third/getlegitusers | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Command /getlegitusers to show user/bot count across the network |
third/google-recaptcha | 0.9 | Valware | Protect your UnrealIRCd network with Google reCAPTCHA |
third/helpop | 1.5 | Valware | HelpOp - Provides usermode h (HelpOp) and swhois line, channelmode g (HelpOp-only room), and command /HELPOPS |
third/hidebans | 1.2 | Bram Matthys (Syzop) | Hide channel bans from non-ops |
third/inchannelban-enforce | 6.1 | k4be | Enforce ~c bans so they can't be circumvented |
third/incredibly-lazy-ops | 1.0 | Valware | Provides some easy commands for using extbans for lazy chanops who can't be bothered to learn extbans |
third/irccloud-tags | 1.0 | IRCCloud | Provides support for IRCCloud's MessageTags |
third/joinmute | 2.2.1 | Gottem | Adds +J chmode: Mute newly joined people for +J X seconds |
third/kickjoindelay | 2.2.1 | Gottem | Chanmode +j to prevent people from rejoining too fast after a kick |
third/kiwiirc-tags | 1.0 | Valware | Provides support for KiwiIRC's MessageTags |
third/listrestrict | 2.2.1 | Gottem / k4be | Impose certain restrictions on /LIST usage |
third/listsg | 1.0 | reverse | Command /SG to list security groups and their members |
third/lockserv | 1.1 | Valware | Adds the /lockserv command which allows privileged server operators to prevent connections to a particular server. |
third/logged-in-from | 1.1 | Valware | Extra /WHOIS information pertaining to account usage. |
third/message_commonchans | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Adds umode +c to prevent people who aren't sharing a channel with you from messaging you |
third/metadata | 6.0 | k4be | draft/metadata and draft/metadata-notify-2 cap |
third/metadata-db | 6.0 | k4be | Metadata storage module |
third/modmanager_irc | 1.1.0 | Gottem | Control Unreal's module manager through IRC |
third/mtag-extban | 1.1 | Valware | ExtBan ~mtag - Prevent usage of certain IRCv3 message-tags per channel |
third/mute | 1.5 | Valware | Globally mute a user |
third/nicklock | 1.2 | Valware | Adds the /NICKLOCK command which allows server operators to prevent a user from changing their nick during their session. |
third/nicksuffix | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Restrict /nick usage to suffixing your base nick |
third/noghosts | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Keep channels clear of "ghosts" of opers |
third/noinvite | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Adds umode +N to block invites |
third/nopmchannel | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Prevents users sharing a channel from privately messaging each other |
third/ojoin | 1.1 | Valware | /OJOIN Command and Channel Mode +Y (Server Operator) |
third/operoverride_ext | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Additional OperOverride functionality |
third/operpasswd | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Kill users with too many failed OPER attempts |
third/plainusers | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Allows opers to list all users NOT connected over SSL/TLS |
third/pmlist | 2.1.1 | Gottem | Implements umode +P to allow only certain people to privately message you |
third/polite-tag | 1.0 | Valware | +draft/polite tag - Lets a user mark their message as polite (don't highlight) |
third/portsifresi | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Protect specific ports with a password |
third/pubnetinfo | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Display public network/server information such as SSL/TLS links |
third/qline | 1.0.0 | Hexick | /QLINE and /UNQLINE commands to allow opers to manually add Q-lines (global nick bans). |
third/queue | 1.0 | Valware | Adds command /QUEUE |
third/react | 0.1 | Valware | +draft/react (IRCv3) |
third/recover | 1.0 | Valware | Adds command /RECOVER |
third/redact | 6.0 | val | Implements the draft IRCv3 message-redaction specification |
third/reduced-moderation | 1.1 | Valware | Reduced Moderation mode (+x) |
third/rehashgem | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Implements an additional rehash flag -gem (global except me) |
third/repeatprot | 2.1.0 | Gottem | G(Z)-Line/kill users (or block their messages) who spam through CTCP, INVITE, NOTICE and/or PRIVMSG |
third/report | 1.1.1 | Gottem | For reporting bad stuff to the assigned IRC operators |
third/restrict-chans | 1.3 | Valware | Restrict channel creation to logged-in users |
third/rtkl | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Allows privileged opers to remove remote servers' local K/Z-Lines |
third/sacmds | 2.2.2 | Gottem | Implements SA* commands for privileged opers |
third/sacycle | 1.1 | Valware | Force someone to part and rejoin a channel |
third/showwebirc | 6.0 | k4be | Add whois info for WEBIRC and websocket users |
third/signore | 2.1.1 | Gottem | Implements an I-Line for adding server-side ignores |
third/smtp-email | 1.0 | Valware | Send emails about chosen logs using SMTP |
third/textshun | 2.1.1 | Gottem | Drop messages based on nick and body |
third/topicgreeting | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Greet users who join a channel by changing the topic (channel mode +g) |
third/uline_nickhost | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Requires people to address services like [email protected] |
third/unauthban | 6.0 | k4be | ExtBan ~I or ~unauth: bans that match only users that are not logged in |
third/upgrade-notify | 2.1 | Valware | Sends out a message to opers when there is an upgrade available for UnrealIRCd |
third/webirconly | 1.1 | Valware | WebIRC Only - Provides channelmode W (webirc only channel) |
third/websocket_restrict | 2.1.0 | Gottem | Impose restrictions on websocket connections |
third/welcomemessages | 1.0.1 | reverse | Sends server custom welcome messages for differents channels |
third/wwwstats | 6.0 | rocket, k4be | Provides data for network stats |
NOTE: You can get the same list on a shell by running ./unrealircd module list and using the command ./unrealircd module info third/name-of-module